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The Fundraising partnership is proud to be able to work to help prevent strokes and help people survive and thrive after strokes. We are proud to work on behalf of Stroke Association – a truly vital charity making a massive difference on an issue that affects so many people in Britain.

That is why we want to raise funds for Stroke Association but also engage with people and raise public awareness of strokes.


We would like you to join us and help us achieve that together. We are a cause-led fundraising company and commitment to the cause is a key motivator for our team of face-to-face fundraisers. Your journey starts by learning about the issue and the cause to see if it is something that you would want to and feel able to speak with the public about and ask for donations to support.

What is a stroke?

Different types of stroke
An ischaemic stroke is caused by a blockage cutting off the blood
supply to the brain. This is the most common type of stroke.
A haemorrhagic stroke is caused by bleeding in or around the brain.

A transient ischaemic attack or TIA is also known as a mini-stroke. It is the same as a stroke, except that the symptoms only last for a short amount of time. This is because the blockage that stops the blood getting to your brain is temporary.


The effects of a stroke can be devastating for the victims and their
families. Below is just a few examples focusing on physical effects and communication problems.

Physical effects of stroke


  • Headaches after stroke

  • Changes to taste and smell

  • Swallowing problems

  • Vision problems after stroke

  • Bladder and bowel problems

  • Balance problems after stroke

  • Seizures and epilepsy after stroke

  • Pain after stroke

Communication problems​

​Communication problems are very common after a stroke. Around
one-third of stroke survivors have problems with speaking, reading,
writing and understanding what other people say to them. 

Why do they happen?
When we communicate, our brain has to complete a series of tasks.
Different parts of our brains are responsible for each of these tasks. If
one of these parts is damaged by a stroke, it can cause problems with

What kind of communication problems do people have?

  • Aphasia affects your ability to speak and understand what
    others say. It can also affect your ability to read and write. It happens when you’re no longer able to understand or use language. Aphasia is a common problem after stroke and around a third of stroke survivors have it.

  • Dysarthria happens when you’re not able to control the muscles in your face, mouth and throat very well, so it's difficult to speak clearly. This can mean that your speech becomes slurred or slow or that your voice sounds quiet.

  • Apraxia of speech is when you can’t move the muscles in your
    face, mouth or throat in the order you need to when you’re speaking. This can make it difficult for other people to 
    understand you.

The role of the Stroke Association

We're here to support people to rebuild their lives after a stroke.

We believe everyone deserves to live the best life they can after a stroke.

We provide specialist support, fund critical research and campaign to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support to rebuild their lives.


Rebuilding lives after a stroke is a team effort. It takes the determination of stroke survivors and carers, the generosity of supporters and the dedication of the healthcare and research communities to get there.   


To help the recovery of stroke survivors we provide information, support and advice. Our key areas of work include:


Support services 
Our support services help hundreds of thousands of people through one of the most frightening experiences of their lives and build a life after a stroke. Our support services include but are not limited to emotional support and communication support. 


Our information is based on accurate and up-to-date evidence. We ask stroke survivors and their families, as well as medical experts, to help us when putting our information together.  


Our research helps improve treatments, care and rehabilitation - saving thousands of lives and helping stroke survivors make the best recovery possible.


Through our busy events schedule, our fundraisers work nationally and with local communities to raise much-needed funds to support stroke survivors.


We are the force for change. By working with people affected by stroke, we drive improvements in stroke care by creating campaigns like our A New Era for Stroke campaign, which led to the National Stroke Programme in England.


Our fantastic volunteers play a vital role in the recovery of stroke survivors across the UK. We provide training and resources so that our volunteers are well-equipped to help stroke survivors with their recovery and rehabilitation. 

Improving survivability -the FAST campaign
The emergency services are an essential part of stroke services in the UK. They use the Face, Arm, Speech Test (FAST) to spot the signs of a stroke. By quickly identifying someone is having a stroke, they can get the person the best emergency treatments to protect their brain. Our charity played a key role in discovering that the FAST test works to spot the signs of a stroke.

Facial Weakness

    Can the person smile?

    Has their mouth or eye drooped


Arm weakness

    Can the person raise both arms?


Speech problems

    Can the person speak clearly

    and understand what you say?


Time to call 999

    Stroke is a medical emergency


Every second counts when you're having a stroke.

Why research matters

Our research has improved how we spot the symptoms of stroke and the people most at risk, so we can get them the best treatment in the critical minutes and hours that follow.

Stroke remains the fourth biggest killer in the UK and is a leading cause of adult disability. The number of people that will have a stroke is expected to rise. However, thanks to research, there are fewer people dying from a stroke than ever before.

Stroke Association is there to help stroke survivors and their families recover & re-build their lives after stroke.

Our services may include:

Stroke Recovery Service
Our Stroke Recovery Service provides tailored support from hospital to home via a designated coordinator, who will address the long-term practical, emotional and physical needs of stroke survivors, their families and carers.

Communication Support Service
Our Communication Support service helps those who have aphasia, a language disorder which can affect speech, comprehension, reading and writing skills. Our coordinators and volunteers work with stroke survivors to relearn new skills of communication and rebuild lost confidence.

Emotional Support Service
Our Emotional Support service provides specialist help to those affected by stroke as they come to terms with what has happened to them. The service also offers peer support sessions run by a trained volunteer and supported by our coordinators.

Post-Stroke Review
Our Post-Stroke Review service is carried out by a trained coordinator
with extensive knowledge of stroke. It provides a stroke survivor with
dedicated time to review their holistic needs and signpost to relevant
services and advice

Stroke is a major issue for the people of Britain. Stroke remains the fourth biggest killer in the UK and is a leading cause of adult disability. For example, strokes kill 3 times as many women each year as breast cancer & the number of people that will have a stroke is expected to rise.

The UK needs a strong voice to improve research and treatment and support stroke survivors and their families. This is what Stroke Association has and continues to do. This is why stroke survival rates and support for stroke survivors gets better every year. This is what you could be raising funds to support. This is a worthwhile job where you can make a difference. This is what you could be part of – will you join us?

Changing the face of face to face fundraising

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